New Model Pay As You Save Legislation
The Energy Efficiency Institute (EEI), creators of the Pay As You Save (PAYS) system, have partnered with Solar United Neighbors, Clean Energy Works, and LibertyHomes (with input from numerous Colorado Stakeholders) to develop updated model PAYS legislation! See attached word document for the full model, but here's a sneak peak of the purpose of this model legislation:
This model is based on legislation developed for submission in Colorado in this year’s legislative session, contingent on approval by the legislative leadership.
The goal of the legislative approach is to rapidly establish statewide PAYS programs for regulated utilities.
Time will tell whether this is the best approach, as legislation also runs the risk of mobilizing people with different agendas who would likely not be able to participate were the debate held at the commission level. On the other hand, surfacing opposition provides an opportunity to develop strategies to address potentially legitimate concerns.